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8 Steps To Irresistible Email Copy Every Time

Step #1 - WHO DO YOU THINK YOU`RE TALKING TO? Before you sit down to write your email sales letter, you`ve got to determine exactly who your audience is. This is a master key to getting results from email marketing. Ask yourself these questions: - What do your prospects/customers want? - What frustrates your prospects/customers most? - Who else is selling something similar to you? - Why should your prospects/customers believe you? - Why should prospects/customers respond to you instead of someone else? - What kind of appeals will your target market respond to? => Step #2 - A GREAT SUBJECT IS YOUR OBJECT Before an email can generate results, recipients need to open it. But what can you do to spark their interest and get their interest "motor" revved up? Your SUBJECT LINE is the key. There are four types of email formulas you can use as a guide in crafting your email. Each has a different PSYCHOLOGICAL APPEAL that works like magic on consumers. Here are some examples: - Stat